Our Guy In India | TV Documentary

Our Guy In India is a prime time travel documentary for Channel 4 in the UK featuring celebrity biker Guy Martin undertaking a 1000 mile ride around India on a Royal Enfield bike. As the Fixer in India we worked in tandem with North One TV to source content that avoided India travelogue clichés and satisfied the brief of the channel commissioner.

Production Company in IndiaWe independently handled all of the on-the-ground research and recces.
Then we arranged all of the logistics including trains, planes, bikes, cars, and boats to ensure that we kept to the ambitious schedule and also managed to get some sleep!

"I wanted to take the first opportunity I had to thank you for your patience, persistence and presence throughout set-up/filming. Things really couldn’t have gone any smoother considering the last minute nature of the shoot, and I think that’s largely to do with your hard work.", - Amy Roff, Producer

Credit: Associate Producer - India
Client: North One TV, London
Release Date: 1st February 2015


The Official Trailer...
Guy's Favourite Scenes...
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