Some exciting news! From the beginning of July 2020 we will provide fixer and film production services in Pakistan. This allows us to open up some of the most spectacular locations in the Himalayas to international Producers. Pakistan is not known as an easy country to access for film and TV productions but we will make the process as painless as possible using more than 30 years experience of operating in the region. Our expert team in Pakistan have many years experience gaining exclusive access to tricky locations and high profile contributors for the biggest names in the business. They have successfully completed numerous prime-time BBC News and TV productions as well as films for Al Jazeera, ITV, PBS, and many more.
If your production involves crossing borders or flying to other locations in the region we've got you covered. We also have teams in India, Nepal, and Bhutan providing seamless coordination from your Pakistan departure, to arrival in your next destination with all the services you need lined up and waiting for you.
We weren't kidding when we said Pakistan has some spectacular Himalayan locations to offer...